Tuesday, February 2, 2010

T!t$, L@bi@$, and Knock3r$

Cleaning up the Itunes I came across this little ditty. A barely released demo by Tate-Labianca, yet another band with Jawsh Hagemen in it. This one is notable because it's pretty much the last time he played guitar in a hardcore band and the shit straight knocks. Local skate-dude Spencer B. did vocals, and he was among the most thrilling to watch live. Morgan's got it down pat, but Spencer is the original writhing floor creature. Musically simillar to This Computer Kills, Disconnect, stuff that was coming out on Ebullition 8 years ago. A little harder edged than Disconnect, and not all robotic like This Computer Kills....if only they would have been more of a presence! I remember asking for a demo back in the day and he kind of danced around the question saying there wasn't really one. Well by golly what am I listening to now?! All I know is if they shelved it for quality reasons they were some straight fools...Unfortunately I have no access to a picure of these dudes live, so instead be bummed out by the desecrated corpse of Sharon Tate.
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