Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You've Been Warned

Where oh where has this band been all my life? If only there was any meaning to the word Hardcore nowadays. Because when I say this band is Hardcore I mean it as the highest compliment and term of endearment that I can muster. When I say Hardcore I mean to distinguish this band from 95% of all music that claims to be punk or metal or hardcore or any combination of the three. In a parallel universe where punk and hardcore never got watered down or transmogrified into a million meaningless genres this band would be nothing special. However, we live in a world where Fallout Boy gets cred cuz the drummer was in Vegan Reich, and New Found Glory is practically as seminal Youth of Today because their guitarist sang in Shai Hulud for a year. So you better believe that sounding like a carbon copy of the year 1984 is near and about's the most original thing you can do.
Government Warning has main themes of paranoia, depression, anxiety, and confusion. Yet listening to them brings me feelings of clarity, and relief, kind of like scratching an itch you didn't know you had, and didn't know you could scratch.

Paranoid Mess


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